- Command and Troop Education
- Community Awareness
- Conflict Resolution
- Couples Communication Skills
- Stress Management
- Prevention Programs and Services
- New Parent Support Program
- Parent Education
- Domestic Violence Prevention
- Victim Advocate Program
- Relationship Support
- Safety Education
- Respite Care Program
- Emergency Placement Care Program
- Reporting Procedures
- Thriving with Teens
1st Wednesday every month
12-1 p.m. - Fundamentals of a Healthy Relationship
1st Friday every month
12-1 p.m. - Mind Matters
4th Wednesday every month
12-1 p.m. - Playgroups
Contact (808) 787-4227 for schedule & registration - Little People, Big Feelings
3rd Wednesday every month
12-1 p.m. - CONUS: +1(800) 342-9647
- OCONUS: 00-800-3429-6477
- Collect with operator assistance OCONUS: +1(484) 530-5908
- Child Abuse
If you fear a child is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
The reporting point of contact for child abuse is the Military Police. If you know or suspect a child is being abused, please call:
- Schofield Barracks Military Police at +1 (808)655-5555
- Fort Shafter Military Police at +1 (808)438-7114
- State of Hawaii’s Child Welfare Services at +1 (808)832-5300
Child Advocacy Service Advocates work with non-offending parents/guardians of victims of child sexual abuse or child physical abuse that requires hospitalization. Child advocates can provide emotional support during medical treatment, forensic interviews, legal processes, and court proceedings. Child advocates can provide resource information and referral services for local private and public child and Family programs.
Services eligibility:- Child is an Army family member under 18
- Child has been sexually abused
- Child has been physically abused and requires hospitalization
- Resources and Helpful Links
For more information or to register for Family Advocacy Program classes (or any other Army Community Service classes), contact us.
- Installation Victim Advocate 24/7 +1 (808)624-SAFE (7233)
- Education and Prevention (Class Information and Requests) +1(808)787-4227
- New Parent Support Program +1 (808)787-4227
- Family Advocacy Program Treatment Schofield Barracks +1 (808)433-8579 Tripler +1 (808)433-6066
- Resources
- USAG-HI Child Supervision Policy
- Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) Emergency Room +1 (808) 433-3707
- Army FAP Behavioral Health +1 (808)433-6606 (TAMC) or +1 (808)433-8579 (Schofield)
- Sex Abuse Treatment Center +1 (808)535-7600
- Oahu Children’s Justice Center +1 (808)534-6700
- Child Help National Child Abuse Hotline +1-(800)-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline +1 (800)656-HOPE
- Military One Source
- My Army One Source
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- Legal Aid Society of Hawaii
- Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- DoD Victim and Witness Assistance Council
- What's FAPening Articles
Every month, the Family Advocacy Program contributes an article to the What's FAPening column in Discover Magazine.
- Email Us
The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) helps Soldiers and Families recognize and meet the unique challenges of military lifestyles. Our services include seminars, workshops, counseling, and intervention to help strengthen Army Families, enhance resiliency and relationship skills, and improve quality of life.
We are also dedicated to helping Soldiers and Families with the complex challenges related to domestic abuse, child abuse, and neglect. We focus on prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment.
If you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at + 1(800)799-7233. You should also contact your installation’s Family Advocacy Program for more information.
Our additional programs within the Family Advocacy Program help with specific needs:
New Parent Support Program (NPSP): Expecting parents and parents with children ages 0-3 have special challenges, and NPSP has tools to meet them. Programs including home visits and parenting classes help caregivers learn to cope with stress, isolation, deployments, reunions, and the everyday demands of parenthood.
Transitional Compensation (TC) Program for Abused Dependents: Under a congressionally mandated program, abused dependents of military personnel may be eligible for up to three years of benefits and entitlements, including temporary financial compensation, medical care, and commissary and exchange privileges.
Victim Advocacy Program (VAP): Victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have round-the-clock access to services, including emergency assistance, information, referrals, and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal, and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Victim Advocates will discuss the option of restricted and unrestricted reports.
Seminars and Workshops
Seminars and workshops are available to you, your unit, or your Family support group. Topics may include:
Check out the classes below that we currently offer:
Contact your installation’s Army Community Service (ACS) Family Advocacy Program for more information.
You can also call Military OneSource for more information and referrals.