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MARCH 24/7 Access Fitness Orientations

Learn how to get 24/7 access to the Health & Fitness Center, Martinez, Fort Shafter and Tripler Physical Fitness Centers


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Embrace the power of 24/7 fitness at USAG Hawaii. It's not just about exercise; it's a lifestyle. With your DoD ID card and our exclusive access, you're on the path to peak performance. Let's sculpt those muscles, boost that endurance, and achieve fitness excellence together!

Orientations are approximately 15 minutes and are only hosted on the below dates at specific times and locations. Can't make it to an orientation class? Walk-ins are now accepted! Scan the QR code on-site to watch a quick video to gain access. 


Get after hours access to Health & Fitness Center, Martinez, Tripler and Fort Shafter Physical Fitness Centers!

Click HERE to download the flyer.



Registration Information

Call (808) 787-0721 for more information.