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STRONG BANDS: Ho'okuku Pickleball Classic

Get your game face on, practice your pickleball skills, and join us for a day of fierce competition, sportsmanship, and fun.

Get ready for the Pickleball Ho'okuku, a thrilling competition you won't want to miss! The action begins bright and early with the first game at 8 a.m. Grab your partner and register for the doubles division.

Saturday May 17, 2025
Tennis Courts next to Schofield Barracks Health and Fitness Center

Open to all DOD Cardholders Ages 18 and Over or Guest Player (Non-Military)

Open to all Skill Level

Tournament Starts at 8:00 a.m.
Double Elimination

Division: Men’s Doubles/ COED Doubles

Must have at least 4 teams for each division minimum. If minimum requirement is not met, divisions will be combined.

Early Registration: $50 Per Team Pre-Register by May 2, 2025  (T-Shirt Guaranteed)
Late Registration: $70 Per Team Deadline May 14, 2025 (Shirt Not Guaranteed)

Register at any Army Physical Fitness Center (excluding WAAF) or call 808-787-5739.

Classic will go on rain or shine.